
At Fish Leadership, we help leaders solve their most pressing problems and achieve their biggest dreams. We do this by tapping into the power of leadership development and the power of culture. Great leaders build culture. Great culture builds leaders. Put the two together, and you create an unstoppable force of progress.

Over the past fifteen years, we have worked with College Deans, School Heads, CEO’s and Teachers. Our engagements run from focused issues like building alignment in the boardroom to wide-ranging cultural initiatives that transform the whole organization.

Our unique approach to leadership development increases three critical capacities: self-awareness, strategic acumen, and the ability to galvanize groups. When it comes to culture, we focus on two elements. We develop and align leaders throughout the organization, and we strengthen teams by carefully crafting change initiatives and gathering ever larger wins.

Our Team

Dr. Ted Fish

Dr. Ted Fish has been immersed in the practice of leadership since he founded an elementary and middle school at the age of 25 in Santa Fe, NM. He now guides leaders at universities, startups, multinational corporations, k-12 schools and non-profits across North America, Europe and the Middle East. What distinguishes his work is a seamless integration between strategy, culture and leadership – helping organizations achieve the highest results because of how they lead, support their people, and aspire to excellence.

In k-12 education, Dr. Fish consults widely with independent, public and charter schools. For ten years, he served as the Executive Director of the Gardner Carney Leadership Institute (gcLi), a role from which he mentored hundreds of leaders across North America. Under his guidance, the gcLi became a premiere source of professional development for independent school educators, running national Symposia with Teachers College, Columbia University, and the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. He currently works with Heads, Leadership Teams, and Senior leaders at dozens of schools across the nation and collaborates with regional associations to provide high impact cohort-based trainings.

Dr. Fish is equally involved in higher education and the veterinary industry. He works with leaders and clinicians in private practice and academia throughout the United States and Canada and guides comprehensive initiatives at multiple universities. He has worked with more than 50 clinics in the private sector, helping owners to gain market share and improve financial results, all while building cultures that support quality of life and community. For three years, he served as CEO of Canada’s largest equine clinic, located in Calgary, CAN, initiating a cycle of unprecedented prosperity.

Additionally, in the private sector, Dr. Fish works with a range of executives, from founders of startups to CEO’s and Division Heads of multinational companies.

Ted holds a Doctorate in the Department of Organizational Leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University, an Executive MBA from the University of New Mexico and has completed additional coursework at Harvard Business School. In addition to leadership and cultural change, his research interests include resilience, community wellness, and the excellence of teams. Dr. Fish regularly presents at national events.

Holly Copeland

k-12 Public School Excellence & Wellness Initiative

Holly Copeland is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 30 years’ experience guiding adolescents, adults, children and families. She is an adept listener who has worked extensively in private practice and in a variety of clinical settings.

Holly is trained in a range of modalities, including Transpersonal, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). She is skilled in using deep breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques to help clients better cope with stress, anxiety, trauma and depression.

Holly has served as the Clinical Director of a residential facility for traumatized adolescent girls and of outpatient clinics located throughout Pennsylvania. In these roles, she created new programming and mentored other therapists. She holds her Master’s in counseling psychology from Immaculata University.

Holly has been a close collaborator on community education projects with Dr. Fish for over fifteen years and is working as the mental health expert on public school initiatives for Fish Leadership in Chester County, PA.

What people say

Our Approach: Leadership Alignment

Aligning Vision + Heart + Culture = Success (by every measure)


Leaders need a compelling and energizing vision of where they want to go and why. And then they need to translate that into LASER-FOCUSED STRATEGY. Resources are finite. It takes 90% of your energy just to keep your organization doing what it’s currently doing. So leaders must choose the right initiative that will propel your group forward farther and faster than anything else. This takes careful thought! What will be the one thing – the one thing – that if you accomplish by the end of the year will put you and your group in a transformatively different position? Where will you be in 3 years or 5?


Leadership is all about inspiring and mobilizing teams. And the best teams are ones in which every member is fully committed to both their job and the ultimate goal of the group. In the words of Bill George of Harvard Business School, the leader must move from I to WE. It’s not about your individual productivity anymore; it’s about what you can habitually generate from your group. We help you do this by eliciting the WHY behind your actions, by lining these up to the ACTS THAT REALLY MATTER for you, and by INCREASING YOUR POSITIVE IMPACT upon others by learning about your strengths, weaknesses and blind spots, and the unique way – according to your qualities – that you most effectively inspire others.


Everything we do at Fish Leadership is grounded in building culture – the secret to transforming groups into teams and teams into community. We start by identifying the values, practices and vision that are already at the core of your organization. Then we help you to shape and magnify your core through calibrated strategic actions, group initiatives, and leadership support for your key people. In this way, your organization doesn’t just solve problems. It becomes better at solving problems. And your culture is characterized by alignment of SHARED VALUES, SHARED VISION, and SYNERGY.

Our Model of Cultural Change

  • You Speak. We listen. We learn about your organization and hear about your challenges and dreams. Typically, we speak with the CEO, Head or Dean and key people to gather a diversity of viewpoints.

  • Together, we design. After listening carefully to themes (strengths, weaknesses and opportunities), we help you build your vision, identify your key allies, and contemplate initial low hanging fruit.

  • We build your strength by building your leaders. We help leaders at all levels increase their self-awareness, their strategic clarity, and their impact.

  • We build group efficacy. We facilitate group meetings to build shared values, energizing vision, and clear action steps.

  • Ever widening circles. We help the group extend its reach, scope and impact.

  • We link. We link the circles, building an unstoppable wave of momentum.

  • Step by step, win-by-win. Culture is built when groups intentionally enact their values and dreams. In this way, the capacity of your whole organization grows!

Leadership Model

Any effective change initiative starts small. But if we take the right series of steps, gradually extending our reach, we can build an unstoppable wave of momentum.

Consulting Services

Let us know how we can help.

Strategic Planning

    • Our approach to strategic planning focuses on building open communication, collective buy-in, and psychological safety as the foundation from which great thinking can emerge. Then, we create succinct, focused and impactful plans.
    • This approach has produced transformational change for Universities, K-12 schools and in the private sector.
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Leadership Development

    • Through a combination of site visits and phone sessions, we help leaders refine their effectiveness. You will strategically grow your strengths, as well as awareness of your weaknesses. You’ll develop a keen sense of how to support and develop your protégés.
    • We help you to build a culture of leadership by developing a specific, intentional framework to grow the capacity around you.
    • Strengthen your organization’s position in the marketplace by clarifying where you are headed, building a focused plan about how to get there, and executing in a way that grows stakeholder buy-in from the beginning.
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Culture Building

    • Solve a compelling problem, or go after a big dream by tapping into the synergistic power of leadership development. This may be the development and launch of a new initiative; a decision to tackle an historical pattern that has held you back; or the dismantling of silos.
    • Get individuals or groups who are stuck, back on track through skilled mediation and facilitation.
    • Develop a culture that supports wellness and excellence, commitment and retention, by addressing underlying cultural patterns.
Contact Us

Every initiative is uniquely tailored to your vision and your culture!

Our engagements run from 1-2 visits + phone support to quarterly visits for a year or more, depending on the scope of your plan.


Dr. Fish leads workshops and presents keynotes. Topics include:

  • How to Build a Culture of Leadership
  • The Key to All Group Performance: whether you’re a Teacher, a Business Executive, a Scientist or a Navy Seal
  • Growing Dynamic, Transformative Leadership
  • The Essence of Impact – how to influence, energize and inspire the people who matter most
  • Filling in the Blind Spot: why sustaining yourself has become a critical skill as a leader and what you can do about it
  • DEI, Belonging and the Tribal Mind: addressing racism at its roots
  • Dismantling Bullying – a system’s approach
  • Cracking the code on Retention and Recruitment

Let us help you build leadership today!

Get in touch

Please call 5052312699 or email ted@fishleadership.org

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